JULY 7-9

(all times are Eastern)

4200 N US Hwy 35, Winamac, IN 46996


Rent-A-Camp Cabins 1-3

Check In: 7/7/23 @ 3:00 PM EDT 

Check Out: 7/9/23 @ 11:00 AM EDT

589 E Old State Rd 14, Winamac, IN 46996


Saturday, 7/8/23  - 11:30 AM EDT

Tubes are booked!  Click here to sign your waiver.

Choose the option "COMPLETE UNNAMED PARTY MEMBER" and follow the directions to sign and submit your waiver.

Be sure to use your REAL FUCKING NAME.

Cost Per Person: $63

Cabins  $330

($37 ea. x 3 cabins) x 3 days

Tubes $275

($25 ea. x 11 floaters)

Cooler Floats $80

($20 ea. x 4)

Total Cost $685

(Based on 11 attendees)

Cost Per Person $63

(Assuming all 11 members attend)